Bible studies are a great way to get to know other and to deepen your relationship with the Lord. Women come together for fellowship, sharing and of course to study God's Word together. Click the button to find out about our current studies.​​
D|S playgroup
D|S Playgroup provides a chance for moms to connect in a casual setting while their kids do what kids do best: PLAY! This group gathers in various locations on the second and fourth Thursdays of each month. There are also occasional fun events planned just for moms.
Find us on Facebook here or text Lydia at 760-963-3334 for all the details.
Momco (formerly Mops)
MomCo meets at Desert Springs on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month from September through May.
Questions? Email
god's gals
God's Gals is a Sunday morning Bible study for women that attends church alone. Do you sometimes feel that you are the only one in the church in that situation? Well, you're not! This Bible Study class meets on Sunday morning at 9:30am in Room 201. There is always room for more in this group! For more information, please email Louise Leland (